$.M.A.D. Board Game

An exciting way to learn Subtraction, Multiplication, Addition and Division skills. It's $.M.A.D. A mathematical board game, where all ages can play together, yet be on equal terms and the length of playing time is optional. An innovative way to learn those "tiresome" times tables.

A game similar in some areas to Monopoly but instead of Real Estate, children are learning the basic building blocks of Mathematics. The game has been designed, utilising certain components within the game, so that winning is due to chance, not mathematical prowess. This enables those mathematically challenged to enjoy playing the game whilst learning these skills. Simple money handling skills are also being learnt.

The game enables parents to lead and teach effectively, as whilst playing, they can very quickly see any weaknesses in both maths and interpersonal relationships and correct them just as easily.

The design of the game stresses interpersonal relationship teachings. Transactions within the game are important and the child soon learns the importance of turn-taking, to act politely and efficiently. The younger these lessons are learnt the more beneficial in producing pleasant, outstanding personalities.

Children are keen and eager to play the game, more so because they are not being judged on their ability whilst they are learning, there is a time and a place for that later on. The game provides a great way to learn, still by rote but the emphasis is on having a lot of fun whilst learning.

I am proud to say that upon “In House Reviews,” the Education Departments of W.A. and QLD placed my Board Game on their Resource Lists.

Check out these videos

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I have two children aged 8 and 5 years. On Monday we played Narelle’s $.M.A.D. Board game. We all thought the game was great. I thought it was also very good as well as educational.

As a mother and concerned with my children’s education and enjoyment, this game was great to play because the children had a lot of fun playing it while learning maths without realising they were doing so.

My daughter thought the game was awesome.  She has enclosed a letter also that she wanted to write, my son who is only 5 thought the game was also exciting.

I highly recommend this game and believe there would be lots of families out there who would enjoy this game.  If you would like to contact me please do so.



I have an 11-year-old son, who has difficulties in school.  He attends a special support class for maths and spelling. He and I have just played the game and I felt from my heart, that this game was educational and rewarding. My son felt the game helped him with his maths and he felt confident when learning his sums. He enjoyed himself and learnt at the same time. My son felt it was better than doing homework...!

I would recommend this game to any person that wanted to learn whilst having a lot of fun in the process.



I played the $.M.A.D. Board Game with my 8-year-old boy and 14-year-old daughter. I liked the way we could all play at our different levels, together. Both of them wanted to continue when I had to stop. It was an enjoyable way for them to learn their maths and the money and awards made it very exciting.



I liked $.M.A.D. because you play with money. And best of all you learn.  It is a lot of fun..!


Aged 8

I recently played the $.M.A.D. Board Game with my children. I found it to be very educational, a real motivator to learn maths. The children found it particularly entertaining.


Mother/Teacher Asst.

I would like to say this game is enjoyable for all ages and I would like this game to be sold to people. As I did not know my times tables very well, this game has helped me. I believe this game can help lots of children to learn maths.


8 Years Old

I have been a teacher with the Education Dept. of W.A. for over 12 years and I have no hesitation in recommending the $.M.A.D. Board Game invented and designed by Narelle Slatter.

I have examined this game closely and find it to be not only fun and motivating to play but also a valuable educational tool. Many times parents have come to me and asked what they can do to enhance their children’s mathematical knowledge at home.





This is the perfect answer because it gives children valuable, meaningful practice in basic number facts and the four operations, the basis on which they build further mathematical knowledge.

What really impressed me about the game was how well thought out it is, Narelle has researched how children learn and this is reflected in the game.  For example, it incorporates all the strategies we use in education today, visual, auditory, kinaesthetic and tactile activities. There are very few quality, educational games on the market today and I truly believe this game would be an asset to parents and educators alike.

