The invention of the $.M.A.D. Board Game

My name is Narelle Slatter and I am the proud mother of three daughters, whom I home-schooled from Grades 5, 7 and 9 respectively and grandmother of 3 children.

The idea to invent “something” came about on the 26th of June 1996 having watched a television show which inspired me to do something with my life.

I immediately cleared the kitchen table, put pen to paper and out flowed my ideas.  Within three days I had the basic concepts down on paper, to what turned out to be, a mathematical board game.  I guess the shocking experience I had with maths at school had a lot to do with that outcome.  I then visited various libraries for some serious research material to fine-tune my board game’s educational components and formats.

The next step was to make a prototype of my game which was not an easy task and it took quite a while to complete.  I then took the prototype to Small Business Development Corporation and they advised me to protect my idea.  I then made an appointment to see a patent attorney, thankfully the 30-minute visit was free of charge.

I left feeling confident and determined as I had been advised that I had a great game that was manufacturable, and therefore patentable.

Thankfully I had a very supportive family who helped me.

Next, to ensure my game met with children’s approval I needed to watch them play the game.

Thanks to many helpful friends and their children, the game was played often.  I was inspired by their positive responses and it was then that I knew I had a great game, not only enjoyed by children but a game that would help them to consolidate and revise the four basic mathematical forms, Subtraction, Multiplication, Addition and Division, hence "$.M.A.D.".

The players may follow three steps to achieve the correct answer, utilizing "VAKT" which stands for Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic/Tactile learning.

The next step to take was to receive the reviews I wanted so badly from the Head of the Mathematics Dept. in the Education Department of W.A. This person was a wonderfully inspirational, helpful and encouraging individual. She spent a couple of hours going over my prototype for me and her response was very positive.

I was further inspired to achieve my goals when the Principle, teachers and the school psychologist of a Private Primary School played the game in each of the three sections and gave it their full support.

After receiving some very good advice freely given from the owner of British Steel I approached a bank manager with the information I was provided and my loan was approved to help fund the manufacturing of the Board Game.

Whilst it was cheaper to produce the game overseas (China) I decided to have my game manufactured in Australia as this was important to me. I found a brilliant graphic designer at a printing company here in Perth and together with their supportive staff, the game was ready for manufacture. I utilised the services of Henderson McPherson to manufacture the Board Game. Henderson McPherson utilised the services of an organisation that provides work for people with disabilities which I was happy for them to do.

I then approached WA and QLD Education Departments and they both, upon In-house reviews, acknowledged the benefits of the game as a valuable teaching tool and both listed the game in their resource magazine for schools and teachers.

I began marketing my game by walking door to door and approaching schools and many games have been sold. Some of the schools that have purchased my game are Perth College, MLC College, PLC College, Stott’s College and many private and public primary schools.

Today, as more and more parents are home-schooling I feel it will assist with the learning of mathematics in a way that is entertaining and educational at the same time.

I sincerely hope that your children will enjoy learning the basics of mathematics as they play the $.M.A.D. Board Game.

Narelle Slatter